Thursday 10 April 2014

My take on strategy, tactics and point solutions

I often hear the term tactical prefixed to a solution that has been created to address an immediate problem. Personally I don't think these are tactics. A tactic is, according to a Google search:

"An action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end"

There is often very little strategy or planning around most so called tactics, so I prefer to call them point-solutions. Tactics should be stepping stones to help realise a vision or goal. They should be well thought out, and always moving the environment forwards. So, in summary:

Strategy = Long term vision and/or goal
Tactics = Shorter term sub-goals
Point Solutions = Quick-fixes with no regard for strategy

I think it's very important to clearly define this terminology and stop using tactical for poor planning and quick-fixes; these don't move the environment towards an end state, more they create further challenges for an organisation.

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